When I was editing a Coca Cola commercial that had 24 hours of raw footage for a just one-minute ad, I remembered…
…one of “those days”: the actor Miguel Ángel Silvestre visits the editing room to see how ‘the Duke’s’ death is cut. In a few weeks time, it’s going to be the most watched episode of a fiction series of the year.
We are both excited. But, after half an hour, the actor sees how I listen to every sentence two hundred times, as I look for the perfect moments.
“How can you stand this, José Ramón?”
It’s a question that’s asked a thousand times: when I find a story between hours and hours of a documentary that I didn’t know where it was going…
“How can you stand this?”
Years go by and the answer is always the same:
How could I bear to do anything but this?
I can’t think of anything better.